So we landed at LAX at 6am on Wednesday morning after 13 cramped and bumpy hours, way down the back of a 747 (yes they still fly those things). Then another 3 hours getting through Border Control and then connecting with the right bus and train to get to Claremont Station. James Tucker picked us up and took us to his place where our bikes were waiting. (That’s him in the video below, filming us leaving this morning).
So all up about 25 hours travelling time.
The first thing we noticed is the smoke in the air and the heat. It’s a Canberra summer but dryer. And still really hot at night. They all say this is unusual so maybe it is.
So that day we walked about 10 kms (yes really) to get a bank account sorted and sim cards for our phones. We have US numbers now so if you need, email us and we can provide.
Then we spent Thursday and Friday just trying to wake up from the jet lag and getting the bikes ready, fitting the luggage carriers and the aux wiring harnesses for our tech. Adjusting suspension to handle the load, stickering them up, and a shake down ride over Glendora Ridge and Mountain. (Google it).
And Janelle has named our bikes. We’ve never really seen the need to before but hers (the silver on)e is now known as Silver Bullet and mine (the black one) is Black Panther. Please direct any comments to the management.
And then suddenly we were ready. At 7.45 this morning we rode our of the Tucker Compound and hit the road, found the freeway, yes just like the crazy ones we see on tele. We rode back into LA via Pasadena then up through Ventura and a heap of other towns that sadly no one has written songs about. Around lunchtime we were joined by Sean, another rider from the ADV forum, who guided us through the afternoon into the lovely little town of Cambria, almost exactly halfway to San Francisco.
We’re here tonight and will make it to San Jose tomorrow to catch up with Janelle’s friend for a couple of nights and then we’ll dive into the fun that is San Fran.
So here is some pics of our bikes in full travel regalia, and the video of leaving James’ place.
We need sleep now, still so very tired.